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Ray Robinson Missing you... nunca puedo olvidarte.. January 11, 2017
Estoy pensando en ti. Gone way to soon. Ill never forget you.You pop in my mind constantly. i know its you reminding me to stay on track...
te quiero mucho Mija!!

 Andespues de todo... Yo te sigo amando...

Joseph Flores Thinking of your smile April 26, 2015
Hey Isela thought ide say hello miss and love ya. Mwuah 
Tony Coronas You are always in our thoughts.. our hearts.. March 18, 2015
Hi Isela,

Today would have been your 40th....  Me and your Tia Stella were thinking about you....  

We love you and miss you.

Joanne in AZ Dominican Republic July 22, 2014
I hope you saw your name in the sand by the ocean at your in your favorite island Punta Cana, DM.
Still miss you girl...
AM Always in my heart! May 16, 2013

Since the good lord has taken you away, I see and live my life so differently.  
My heart still aches of your loss. 
When you died there are so many thoughts I left unspoken,  wishing I could go
back and tell you everything that left me heart broken.  Life will never be the
same since your gone
If I could speak to you one last time I would say... I love you!!
Thank You for being so kind, so supportive, so loving and so giving!!
You are always in my heart!!

Love you and miss you so much!! 
Hilda Chavez

My Sister, My Dearest Friend

You’re the best sister I could have asked for
I pray thanks to God, that he gave you to me
We laughed together, and we cried together
You're my sisterly companion, my partner in crime
You’re my trustee confidant
We kept each others deepest secrets safe

And even though we’re cousins by law & blood
We’re sisters at heart, which is where it counts =]

Simply because you’re my sister and you’re my friend
Thank you so much for being the best sister I could EVER have!

I Miss You SOOO Much! I Love You Isela!!

Thinking of you always,


Franklin Phan
I recall Isela at a game of musical chairs with colleagues at a TelCom social hour held in one of the conference rooms. It came after some food and drinks, and some cash was involved. I could see from the start that Isela was determined, and she made it to the last round with one chair left. She managed to win by very effectively planting her bottom right on to the seat, taking up most of the surface and rendering the other finalist off to the floor. She threw her head back and howled in amusement, and the room filled with laughter. When she was handed the envelope of cash, the statuesque and beautiful Isela made her "victory face": Uttering a victorious "Yes!", she scrunched up her nose and stuck out her tongue while clutching the prize in her fist and shaking it for the spectators to see her hard-earned reward.

What struck me at the moment was how this playful beauty can come across as being shy, somewhat remorseful, yet totaly merciless--all at once.


N.B. Youkie had a penchant for taking photos to embarrass coworkers. He sat across from me to my left, facing the chairs, and may very well have taken photos. For those interested, feel free to send email request to Youkie.Khaninia(at)M____chip.com. He is not responding to me. (Please limit your request to one per person. :P)
Sonia Barrera-Talavera

Dear Isela, it has taken me some time to begin writting this.  Your passing away has affected so many people including myself so deeply.  I honestly can say that I am truly greatful that I knew you and we became amigas for the past 10 years.  The memories that we shared will remain with me forever, our little chats about los hombres used to make me laugh so much!  I am going to miss you saying to me "Girl, you're so crazy"!  Our lunches, & happy hours with you, Judith and I will always bring a smile to my face.  Thank you for celebrating my birthday with me and my friends a few times, you made it very special by just being there for me.  You were so beautiful, I don't even think you realized how beautiful you really were.  However that is what made you even more beautiful in everyones eyes and hearts.  It is true what they say "Only the good die young" you were truly a good person!  I never heard you speak badly about anyone.  I know how much you missed your Mom, Family and Cali, and I am so happy that you made it back home when you did.  You always used to talk to me about your younger brother who passed away and how much you missed him.  I know now you are with him and watching over your Mom and whole family.  I think everytime I hear that song "Candle in the wind" I am going to think of you now.  "Your candle burned out long before, your legend ever did"

My amiga, I am a better person for knowing you, I will always remember you for the rest of my life.  May you rest in peace now up in heaven with the Angels, Jesus, and God. 

Someday we will see each other again, until then; Adios Girlfriend!

All my Love, Sonia


Eva Pedersen
I knew Isela through my dear friend and previous roommate, Christina Harper. Christina and Isela were close friends. Christina introduced Isela to me and we all went out several times, just the ladies. We had so much fun.

I felt compelled to write because when I met Isela, I was so struck by her beautiful presence - inside and out.  She was really someone special. Her beauty, charisma, happy exuberance, and sassy smarts left an immediate impression... she was someone who you wanted to be with, have fun with, and be friends with!!!!! Isela lit up the room with her happiness and her "Isela energy". In two words, she radiated.

Although, I didn't know her very long, I can attest she was a great, great friend to my roommate Christina Harper and I feel blessed to have known her, even if it was for a brief period of my life. Thinking about Isela makes me smile.

My condolences go out to Isela's family and friends. My heart weeps for her loss.

I know Isela is smiling down on us, like the shining bright star that she is. We will remember her forever.

Photo:  Left - Right
Eva Pedersen, Isela Sanchez, Christina Harper, Jessica Brooks.

Olivia Castellanos

Isela, we were so mischievous and sneaky back in the days. It seems just like yesterday we were teens having fun still at that time we would say how boring Merced is and there’s never anything to do.  But yet we laughed and made the best of it and I’ll always remember those times the Best Times. 

I will never forget our summers because they were the best. Taking are late afternoon runs down Bear Creek trying to lose weight for the "Big Merced Fair".   Yet when we would finish that run we’d find ourselves back at your house drinking Pepsi and eating ice cream. HMMM could that have been the reason the pounds never came off.  I have so many incredible memories of you. I will certainly miss you.  But you have a new home a beautiful one and there your laughter will shine. 

I Miss You~~~ Olivia

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