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Michelle Ragsdale

As I read the comments here, it comes to my attention how many people feel the same way about you that I do.  I don’t know where to start, and my comments only skim the surface.  


I would like to tell you that I feel it was meant to be that we met—us Central Valley women have to stick together!  I am so blessed to have worked with you and developed a friendship with you.  You are truly a unique person, with qualities that I admire and aspire to have, myself.  I continue to learn from you.  You carry yourself with such dignity, grace and humble confidence.  Not only are you very professional and great at your job, but you are a nice person, a great girlfriend and you have a smile that lights up a room and makes everyone feel like everything is under control.  You just make people feel good being around you.  


My heart, thoughts and prayers go out to your family.  I will always remember you.



Michelle Ragsdale


Kristie Torres

I'll never forget being lab partners in biology and having to cut up that poor frog together...there were also lots of laughs.  You were always a great friend-and you had the BEST hair (chuckle).  Your beautiful smile and personality will be missed.  I wish we could have kept in touch more, but at least now I know you're watching over all of us. 

With love,


Vibha Naran Samoulian
Isela, I have thought about you often over the years. Just a few weeks ago, I was flipping through school pictures and found so many of you. You were extremely beautiful, smart, spirited and kind. I will always remember your genuine smile (and gorgeous hair!). We haven't seen each other in a long time, but you have and will always be remembered. You will be missed and will be forever in our hearts.
Douglas Fritz
Isela, you touched so many people's lives from your role in HR.  I think that is what you wanted, to be a part of peoples lives and to make their time at work something more than a job.  You wanted people to be able to enjoy themselves.  You succeeded at that so well whenever we had a company gathering.  You did it by being a servant to us all, and by your caring, optimistic and fun personality.  Some people have described the TelCom group as a family.  If that is the case I think you helped make it that way.  No doubt you had this effect at whichever company you worked for.

One time many of us were in a training class together.  The class was a lot of fun, and I think you were one reason for that.

I remember going to your office at times to ask about something I needed from HR.  You would end up drawing me into a conversation in which we talked together as friends.  You cared about what was happening in people's lives.  People mattered to you.  I also remember a time when Nancy, your co-worker was let go from the company, and you were the one who had to do it.  I happened to be by your office at the time and if my memory serves me right you were both in tears.

You touched so many people's lives in such a positive way.  It is because you reached so many people for good that so many people are now in grief.  I am sure many of us wish we had stayed better connected with you.  I for one just became re-connected to you a couple months ago through a business networking site.  I sent you an invitation to connect which you accepted.  I considered including an email asking how you were doing, but I thought no, maybe I'll send one later.  You can't imagine how I regret not writing you when I had the chance.

How can I close this message properly?  I can never tell you thank you for being a friend.  Thank you for being yourself.  Thank you for doing what you do.  Now that you are gone there are so many people who are remembering you, missing you.  I wonder if you knew how many people cared about you when you were still with us.  You probably had no idea.

Naz Amirsoleymani

Isela I will never forget you.  We clicked the moment we met at TelCom and we both shared dreaams about life, love and career futures.   I am so blessed to have met you.  I will never forget your beautiful smile and your positive outlook on things.  When things were bringing me down, I could always count on your positive words, smile and a hug to boot!


You will be missed and even in this time of sadness..true to character you brought all your old TelComers together.  


Your joy will be missed by all who knew you and all you touched.






Brigitte Vasquez

Isela, hi beautiful.  I remember us becoming friends in the fifth grade.  Throughout all our school years we had a lot of laughs and good times.  You were always the prettiest and nicest girl I knew in school.  Though we haven't talked or seen each other in a long time I would think of you and I just knew you were successful and living a good life.  I will always remember your pretty smile, your kind heart, and all the times we laughed together.  I can't believe we won't have a chance to talk and laugh together again.  I know you are an angel in heaven now just like you were on earth.  I saw you in my dreams and a warm beautiful light was shining brightly on your sweet face.




Rebecca Ybarra

I remember you and my sister Brigitte always doing crazy and silly things together.  You came to our house often and even came to my 7th birthday party.  You gave me a black and blue sweater that I always wore.  Out of my sisters friends you were always one who would play and do silly things with me when you came over.  Never did you seem annoyed that I was around.  Even when you worked at Sears and I'd go and see you, you always seemed to have time to talk to Brigitte's little sister. 




Rebecca Ybarra

(Becky Vasquez)

Kristin Fisher
Isela and I lived together for a year right before she moved back to California.  She was an amazing woman and someone I admired and wanted desperately to be like.  Her love and passion for life, her dedication to her goals and her dreams, her intelligence and her compassion I admired from day 1.  She gave me such great advice and was always there to listen or to laugh.  My only regret is that I did not know her longer.  I will miss you Isela, you were a blessing in my life and I am a better person because I knew you.
Judy Jones

I remember the day I first met you in CA.  Remember you missed the plane in Phoenix that day but in grand Isela style you entered the meeting room later and I knew at that moment we were destined to be good friends forever.  Thus started a  beautiful friendship even though it was cut way to short.  But we managed to pack alot into the past couple of years.


I will so miss our dinners together, conversations about love/life, good wine or cosmos depending on the mood we were in and my favorite memory of all is the "Answer deck" and your blatantcomment about the final outcome answers.   

Desiree Mollineaux

From the momment I met you, I knew you were cool. I left the interview telling myself I HAVE to get this job! You saw something in me - and for that I will always thank you and feel so blessed. Not only did you hire me into Microchip, but you brought those wonderful people into my life. Because of you I walk into work everyday with a full heart and soul. Thank you again!

Love, D

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