Isela, you touched so many people's lives from your role in HR. I think that is what you wanted, to be a part of peoples lives and to make their time at work something more than a job. You wanted people to be able to enjoy themselves. You succeeded at that so well whenever we had a company gathering. You did it by being a servant to us all, and by your caring, optimistic and fun personality. Some people have described the TelCom group as a family. If that is the case I think you helped make it that way. No doubt you had this effect at whichever company you worked for.
One time many of us were in a training class together. The class was a lot of fun, and I think you were one reason for that.
I remember going to your office at times to ask about something I needed from HR. You would end up drawing me into a conversation in which we talked together as friends. You cared about what was happening in people's lives. People mattered to you. I also remember a time when Nancy, your co-worker was let go from the company, and you were the one who had to do it. I happened to be by your office at the time and if my memory serves me right you were both in tears.
You touched so many people's lives in such a positive way. It is because you reached so many people for good that so many people are now in grief. I am sure many of us wish we had stayed better connected with you. I for one just became re-connected to you a couple months ago through a business networking site. I sent you an invitation to connect which you accepted. I considered including an email asking how you were doing, but I thought no, maybe I'll send one later. You can't imagine how I regret not writing you when I had the chance.
How can I close this message properly? I can never tell you thank you for being a friend. Thank you for being yourself. Thank you for doing what you do. Now that you are gone there are so many people who are remembering you, missing you. I wonder if you knew how many people cared about you when you were still with us. You probably had no idea.